Wednesday, 15 October 2008

People Who Should Know Better

I work for my local council and as part of my job today I had to move a rough sleeper from under a stairwell in a multi story car park. That bit was fine. We woke him up and asked him to move along and he was fine about it. That was the easy part. The cause of my pain arose when I passed the lifts and saw this sign. I apologise that it is out of focus but I didn't have time to stop.

I must say that while my job gets some ridicule and I get at least one of the usual clichés shouted at me per day, nothing so far has made me feel so ashamed as this sign, which was printed by someone who works for the same authority. Oh, the shame! Part of me wanted to find out who did it so that I could ask them to correct it. The other part tells me that I am better off not knowing, as I may think of them in a different light when I meet them next. It makes all the money that is poured into various training courses seem rather futile when there are those who don't have a grasp of what an apostrophe is for!

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